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Intuitive and Mediumship Development Circle

*Circle is currently on hold until further notice as of Mar 21st 2024*

Intuitive and Mediumship Development Circle is designed to be a safe and interactive space to develop and enhance Intuitive and Mediumship abilities. As a teaching medium, it is my honor and responsibility to help guide Circle to make sure that we are working authentically and organically. Each week we will focus on various aspects of one’s abilities through exercises and practice. Circle is meant to build trust not only with your own intuition but with Spirit.  Practicing and building upon your strengths whether they be mediumistic or intuitively, will only deepen connection with Spirit. Please come with an open mind while exploring awareness and consciousness. 

*I recommend bringing a dedicated Circle Journal. This will not only allow you, the sitter, to take notes but it also becomes a fabulous way of documenting your progress with Spirit.


$20 per session or $75 in advance for four consecutive sessions in the SAME month. Payment must be submitted 24 hours in advance to reserve your space.


Please contact below for more information and link via Zoom.

No plans available

Once there are plans available for purchase, you'll see them here.

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